ORNIPEST lyoph. ad us. vet. (Poultry Vaccines)
Live vaccine against Newcastle disease in poultry, lyophilized
Composition – 1 vaccination dose:
Effect method:
Indication: For preventive vaccination against Newcastle disease of poultry.
Indication group: Veterinary immunopreparation
Contraindication: To vaccinate ill poultry and chickens until the age of 14 days is not recommended.
Method of administration and dosage:
Individual application:
- Vaccine is dropped on conjunctiva of individual chickens ( 1 dose).
Mass spray application:
- The vaccine, diluted in drinking water, free of any disinfectants, is applied by means of sprayer creating microdrops.
Mass application into drinking water:
- The diluted vaccine is applied in such volumes of water, which poultry can drink within 1 to 2 hours from the moment the vaccine was diluted.
Layers should be re-vaccinated after the serological examination results.
Adverse effects: Unknown
- 200, 500 and 2,500 vaccination doses
- 10 x 200; 10 x 500; 10 x 2,500 vaccination doses