Ornibron ad us. Vet. (Poultry Vaccines)
Live vaccine against infectious bronchitis in poultry, lyophilised
Composition – 1 vaccination dose:
Active substances: Virus bronchitidis infectiosae avium H 120 min. 103.0 EID50, max. 105.3 EID50Excipients: Nutrimentum pro lyophilisatione
Effect method:
Preventive vaccination of poultry against infectious bronchitis.
Indication group:
Veterinary immunopreparation
Ill poultry and layers in their egg-laying period should not be vaccinated.
Never apply any other vivid vaccine earlier than 7 days later. If said period is not kept the vaccination will be ineffective, particularly when other vivid vaccines are applied analogously.
Method of administration and dosage:
Individual application:
- Thin the vaccine and apply one drop into a conjunction of the individual birds. Immerse a beak of 1-day chicken into the vaccination solution in order to apply the vaccine into a nasal mucosa.
Mass application – spraying:
- Thin the vaccine and apply it into uncontaminated potable water. Use an irrigator forming drops for spraying.
Mass application into potable water:
- Dilute the vaccine in such volume of potable water that animals can drink during 1 – 2 hours since the vaccine was diluted.
- 1-day chicken shall be vaccinated by spraying for the first time in order to induce good immunity.
Revaccination should be performed by spraying or orally, preferably at the age of 4 weeks and between 12th and 14th week of age.
Adverse effects:
- 1 x 500 doses, 1 x 1000 doses, 1 x 2 500 doses
10 x 500 doses, 10 x 1000 doses, 10 x 2500 doses